Well, I somehow managed to do them all and put them together. I hope this helps me in my timing and trying to figure out how many inbetween frames I need... T_T
I wanted to add so much more action shots to it, but alas, it's already gonna be a long animation Yikes. I hope I can actually finish it with Kaveh's project also breathing down my neck.
I wanna sleep tonight please! Allow me that much! And food, I haven't eaten all day trying to finish everything up. *dies*
Btw, sorry it's so small. >< I just spent the past hour or so trying to resize and delete older files to make room for this one. :(
This is so awesome! It's already so fluid even though it's just key poses. I'm so ashamed of mines, I worked all day too. Mines has like no movement. =_= Can't wait to see your finished version of Mushibaba in action!
The camera shots are worth envying. Action abound AND perfect end? 1337. Seriously, 1337.
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